Summary Q3-2023

  • Continuous Monitoring Phase involves the following steps:
    • Information System Environment Changes (Monitor change and maintain an accurate system inventory. Use asset management tool. This step is handled by the system Owner, and ISSO)
    • Ongoing Security Control Assessments (Asset 1/3 of the NIST control annually, Scan the system for weaknesses, implement vulnerability& parch management tools. This step is handled by the system Owner, ISSO and C&A analyst)
    • Ongoing Remediation Actions (Take steps to remediate
    • POAM items. This step is handled by the system Owner, ISSO and C&A analyst)
    • Key Updates- (Update SSP, POAM and SAR. This step is handled by the system Owner, ISSO and C&A analyst)
    • Security Status Reporting (Submit SSP, SAR and POAM to AO for review and direction. This step is handled by the system Owner, and ISSO)
    • Ongoing Risk Determination and Acceptance (AO reviews SSP, SAR, POAM and give direction to ISSO and system owner. This step is handled by the AO.AO issue annual assessment letter)
    • Information system Removal and Decommission (Policy and procedures for decommissioning system. Update system inventory and organization         inventory accordingly. This step is handled by the system Owner, and ISSO)
  • NIST Publication
    • SP 800-137
    • SP 800-53,
    • SP 800-53A
    • SP-800-30

CONTINUOUS MONITORINGSystem Security Plan (SSP)   Plan Of Acton and Milestone (POAM)   Security Assessment Report (SAR)   Annual Assessment LetterSP 800-18/53   SP 800-53A/37     SP 800-53A     SP 800-53A   SP 800-137Maintenance /Operation
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